If you are interested in any open positions in the Doudna lab as a volunteer researcher, visiting scholar, or postdoc, please send an email with the subject line “______ Applicant” (i.e., “Postdoc Applicant”) to <klucas@berkeley.edu>. Please note that, unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate minors or high school students at this time due to liability concerns.
If you are interested in joining the Doudna lab as a graduate student, please note that the Doudna lab accepts roughly one student per year among those admitted to UC Berkeley. We accept graduate students primarily from three UC Berkeley graduate programs:
If you are interested in graduate research in our lab, you should first contact those programs for application materials and additional information.
If you are a researcher seeking information about a Doudna lab publication, please email <klucas@berkeley.edu> with the subject line “Question regarding Publication PMCXXXXXX” where the XXX’s should be filled in by the PMCID, or PMID if that does not exist (ie, if the question was in regards to Jinek 2012 paper, the subject would be “Question regarding Publication PMC6286148”).
If you are interested in a possible collaboration with the Doudna lab, please write a note to Jennifer and cc <klucas@berkeley.edu> with the subject line “Possible Research Collaboration”.